Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Redi2Design: Visualize Your Design

Building a home?  Remodeling a bathroom?  Finishing your basement?  One of the most difficult parts in planning your project is determining your finishes and how they will look when the project is all said and done.  What products to use?  What colors?  What finishes?  The entire process can be overwhelming.

Remember though; this is your space and your money and you should have a say in the process.  After all; you have to live with these decisions. 

Glass block has come a long way.  We're no longer forced to use colorless glass in a wavy pattern.  We now have hundreds of colors, shapes, sizes, patterns, types and finishes available.  There are more reasons now than ever before to consider glass block for your project. 

We recently launched Redi2Design; an online tool that you can use to design your shower, wall or window (or any other glass block application) using dozens of colors and finishes from SEVES.  In six simple steps, you'll have a design you can save or print and take to your tile or paint store and share with your contractor, builder or architect.

This video shows you how it works.

From simple applications like a window for a small bathroom renovation:

Exterior walls to provide natural light:

Interior dividing walls to share the light between rooms for a more open feel:

Be inspired!  Build a bar for your family room using your favorite team colors, create a bathroom window using satin finishes for privacy, use glass block for dividing walls where you would have use drywall and paint. 

Store fronts built with colored glass block that will add to the building's decor.  Design windows with crosses for your church.  A reception desk in your foyer adds a touch of elegance to the ever so important "first impression". 

The bottom line is there are more reasons to use glass block than to not use glass block thanks to the hundreds of blocks now available.

Are you a builder, architect, dealer or other contractor who wants to make this tool available to your clients?  Contact me through the blog or email and I'll be happy to help you start taking advantage of this tool.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

People who live in glass houses...

... could have used Vetropieno solid glass bricks by SEVES and not worried about rocks.


Actually, the Vetropieno isn't meant to be a structural component despite it's toughness. So you probably shouldn't build a house with it.

Can you imagine the blinds, curtains or shades you'd need if you lived in a glass house?  Not to mention the lack of privacy.  I'm sure we've got something that will solve all those shortcomings though.   It didn't take me long to get off the point, did it? 
One of the newest products available to us from SEVES is their Vetropieno solid glass bricks.  They're available in 4 colors and two sizes and can be used for several different applications in your home or business.  Vetropieno can be installed like any other glass block using masonry mortar.  Bars, walls, end caps, back splashes or even windows; where you can use Vetropieno is limited only by your imagination!

This dividing wall uses the Blu and Neutro version in both sizes.  The bold color compliments both the blue and white in the wall coverings and flooring. 

Here the Siena color is used to compliment the decor while adding some splash protection to the tub.

Interested in more information about Vetropieno?  You can reach me through email or stop in our Sharonville showroom to see Vetropieno and all of the other exciting glass block products from SEVES.

And for the record... I don't think Aroldis Chapman could throw a rock hard enough to break this stuff....   GO REDS!

Friday, August 10, 2012

SEVES Brings Style to the world of Glass Block

Everyone has a version, it's been on the market for decades and it's the most popular style for it's simplistic appeal.  It's available in all the sizes and shapes you could possibly need for just about any layout.  It's the perfect glass block!  That is; so long as you don't mind the status quo.  Like Henry Ford said of the Model T.  "any colour... so long as it is black". Similar could be said of glass block. Until now!
Colorless, Wavy
All of that is changed.  No longer are we force fed the colorless glass in a wavy pattern.  Now there are options.  Forget what you used to know about glass block and find out what we've all been missing for all these years.

With SEVES comes literally hundreds of glass block colors, shapes, finishes and sizes.  Your imagination is truly your only limitation!  Sure, there's still the wavy pattern and colorless if you want the same ol', but why not use a color that will compliment your decor?  Too permanent?  The same could be said of the ceramic tile or natural stone that's on the floor and walls; right? 

Satin Finish - Verde

  Yes, there's a color to compliment any decor!  Why use 2x4s, drywall, paint, paper and tile?  You can have the same privacy those products provide and still allow ambient light to pass.  The rooms will feel less claustrophobic and provide a touch of color.

Check out our web site at or to see the full selection and examples.  Want more information or to see the stuff yourself?  Email me at or stop in our Sharonville showroom.

"Boring" or "Plain" are no longer reasons not to use glass block in your construction or remodeling!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Why glass block basement windows?

A "Basement" is generally defined as the space completely or partially below the ground floor of a building.

Usually appliance like the water heater, furnace and even the laundry are kept in the basement. The main water feed and electrical usually come through the basement first too. Since this space is where these services can typically be found, it is quite common that basements become storage spaces for your Holiday decorations, seasonal equipment, and other things you may not need immediate access to on a regular basis.

Since these appliances and seasonal boxes don't always take up the lion's share of the basement, you may have a hobby shop or even additional entertaining area by way of a "man cave" or otherwise finished basement.

The standard, OEM basement window could be a lot of different things. Back in the day when foundation walls were built with creek rock and a sweeping the basement floor meant pushing dry earth around, basement windows were built with wood frames and sashes. Some times these windows were even constructed on site by the same guy putting the foundation together. Later when poured concrete and concrete block became the norm for foundation walls, the windows were improved, but only slightly. Around the '60s the foundation contractors started using steel and aluminum frames of varying design and quality and it's been that way since. Today's basement windows are complex and are in some cases comparable to the prime windows in the home for quality and performance.

So, why remove what's there and replace with new?

Excluding the basement windows you'll find in today's new homes, basement windows are very poor performers in a lot of ways. Each of these attributes can be improved by installing new glass block basement windows. Glass block may not be the highest performing most energy efficient window option you have; but when comparing cost vs benefit, there is none better.

Since basements by design are places for utilities and storage, the performance of the windows was rarely a consideration. Most of these older windows relied on a wood to wood or metal to metal seal. If you were to put a lit candle on the basement window sill and the wind was blowing outside, you could be left in the dark. Without a proper weather strip or seal, there was no guarantee that they were air tight. This means they would allow the cold air of the winter or the warm air of the summer fill the basement. Don't forget water too... Since basements are usually underground, windows in window wells don't usually do a very good job at keeping water out either.

How about the quality of the glass in those windows? Single pane, probably 3/32" thick, 1/8" if you're lucky and clear as a bell, at least when initially installed. Do you have curtains over your basement windows?

What about security? What's keeping your basement windows closed? What's keeping someone from the outside from opening them? Do you have valuables in your basements? Heirlooms, collectables or antiques stored down there with the other odds and ends? Expensive woodworking tools or maybe a collection of fine wines? For me, it doesn't need to be something of monetary value; it's mine and that's plenty of reason to protect it.

...and glass block can fix all of these things???

Can I do a one word answer? Of course I can, it's my blog...


Glass blocks are perfect for some things and this is one of them!

The standard glass block for windows is 3" thick. Each block is assembled from two half blocks that are fused together while the glass is still molten hot. What you have is an air tight hollow glass block. The R-Value of a standard 3" thick glass block is only 1.75 so it doesn't compare well to a prime replacement window but since a typical basement window is about 3' wide by 2' tall or smaller, the cost of a glass block window versus a vinyl replacement window is about half.

When installed properly, a glass block basement window is air-tight and can withstand standing water for a much longer period than a vinyl window can. Removing the hot and cold air infiltration means a more moderate temperature in the basement. Since your furnace and water heater are in the basement, these appliances would operate more efficiently because the effect of cold basement air the water line coming from your water heater and the duct coming from the furnace would be less.

Did I mention these blocks are 3" thick and mortared in the concrete foundation? What this means from a security standpoint is that they are virtually impenetrable. When a glass block window is mortared to the masonry foundation, you no longer have a window, you have a complete masonry foundation. Only the most desperate of criminals will try to come through a glass block window. If they manage to break a block, the noise it would take to do so would alert neighbors down the street!

How private are your existing windows? Do you have the curtains I mentioned earlier? Glass block comes in a variety of pattern and degrees of obscurity ranging from clear to totally obscure. No more window treatments in your basement means you'll enjoy more natural light without sacrificing privacy.

I can't speak for every city in every state but here in Cincinnati you can have a glass block window installed for around $100. That's a lot of peace of mind for a little bit of scratch....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Domestic vs Imported Glass Block

The argument about which block is better is another arguing point between competing glass block companies.

When deciding which company to use, "who has the better product" should never come before "who provides the best service". I'm not saying you can't have both, just that the decision you make should be relative to the product and the service combined.

For the purpose of this post, I will restrict the comparison to residential products and more specifically, glass block intended for windows.

Who is the best glass block manufacturer? Well... there is a lot more to consider now. Do you base it on "variety", "quality", "performance", "cost", or something else?

Since I type a little more than ten words per minute I'm not going to provide actual test data but at the end of this post I will add links to each of the manufacturer's web sites for you to research. This is one of those points where you will just have to take my word for it.

I'm also going to limit my comment to the three most common manufacturers. Pittsburgh Corning, Mulia Inc. and Weck. You can find distributors of each of these manufactures just about anywhere in the United States.

Glass blocks are measured primarily by Heat Transmission (U-Value), Thermal Resistance (R-Value), Visible Light Transmission (VLT), and Sound Transmission (STC).

Understanding these measures and their values are important. The lower the value in some measures is better and the higher value in other measures is better.

While I type this, I have specification books from each of our three comparative manufacturers. I will list the measure, then in the order of better performance I will list the manufacturers. I am comparing only eight inch square block, three inch thick (a.k.a 8 X 8 X 3).

U-Value (lower is better): Mulia (.51), Weck (.53), PC (.57)
R-Value (higher is better): Mulia (1.95), Weck (1.89), PC (1.75)
VLT % (lower is better): Mulia (65), PC (75), Weck (77)
STC % (higher is better): Weck (41), Mulia (35), PC (31)

What does this information mean? Well, to be honest, absolutely nothing. The performance variations between the manufacturers are so slight that in practical use, they are barely measurable and not even noticeable.

For the performance category we have just established that there are no measurable difference between these three manufacturers.

Quality? I'm afraid I don't have any production tolerance standards from each of the manufacturers. Having handled thousands or even tens of thousands of individual glass blocks; I can tell you that they all have loose tolerances in size and shape. Each has exhibited variations in thickness and squareness. For the purpose of glass block windows, you'll have to take my word that each are equal or the differences between are not measurable.

Variety? Each manufacturer has a long list of available patterns and sizes. For the sake of consistency, since we are talking about residential glass block windows, we will count the variety of patterns available in 8 X 8 X 3 inch glass blocks.

Mulia: 9
Weck: 4
Pittsburgh Corning: 2

On to cost...
This isn't as easy as it sounds. I will not publish MSRPs because each distributor may charge differently based on several different factors. I will say only that I have distributed each product and when I maintain a particular mark up percentage based on distributor prices, Pittsburgh Corning is the most expensive, Weck is a close second and Mulia is the least expensive. Pittsburgh Corning and Weck are closer in price than either of them is to Mulia, if that makes any sense.

Have we determined who the best manufacturer is?

I believe we have reviewed enough information to lessen the importance of "product" in your decision.

The bottom line is, find a reputable company to do business with. No matter the product, find the company with the most experience, best warranty, best BBB rating and spend your money there.


Manufacturer's Webs (not a complete list): Pittsburgh Corning Mulia Inc. Weck Jinghua Vetroarredo

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Silicone Versus Mortar in Pre-Assembed Glass Block Panels

Today I'll compare the differences between Pre-Assembled Glass Block Windows using Mortar and Silicone between the block. This information should not be considered if you are constructing a dividing wall, bar or other glass block "on-site" construction.

Mortar -V-Silicone is a hot topic between competing companies. Each claims their application is better and each company manufactures evidence to back their claim, usually ignoring the benefit of the other.

If I seem a bit biased towards one application, I apologize in advance. I will further explain myself in closing.

I'm not going to compare the two applications side by side. I will describe each separately and their positives and negatives so that you can form your own opinion.

Pre-assembled glass block windows have been available to the "do-it-yourselfer" for as long as glass blocks have been used in windows. The traditional method of assembly was to build each window in a controlled environment using mortar between the blocks. The assembly was performed by a brick layer and the windows were assembled vertically as if it were built on site.

Today's Mortar Assembly

In the late 1980's, the method of assembly evolved. A mason was no longer needed to assemble these windows. Windows were assembled flat on a table w/ acrylic dowels or other spacer materials on the table side, leaving the joints between the blocks open. A plasticizer was added to the standard mortar mix to "loosen" the mortar to a near liquid consistency and an accelerant was added to counteract the effects of the plasticizer. The mortar could now be poured between the blocks and in just a few minutes, the mortar was hard enough that you could dress the joints and handle the window. This decreased the labor costs involved and increased the per-person production by nearly 10 times. Despite the effects the added chemicals had on the mortar, the windows were still strong and durable and suitable for nearly any window opening in the home.

The biggest "pro" about mortar assembly is the size limitation, or lack thereof. Because it is a solid material between the blocks, weight bearing down to lower level blocks is rarely an issue in a residential application.

The blocks themselves are nominally sized one quarter inch smaller than their advertised dimensions to allow for a one-quarter inch mortar joint. An eight by eight glass block actually measures seven and three-quarters square. Despite being made of glass, the blocks are considered a masonry product. They're sized this way intentionally so that in a concrete block wall, the mortar joints should line up from concrete block through the glass block. The problem with this is that the blocks were intended to be assembled "on-site" and though they are fairly consistent in size, the actual size could vary by as much as one-eighth inch. This means when they are assembled lying flat with a consistent spacer, the windows could be slightly out of square. This issue isn't noticeable in the vast majority of openings where a single unit is installed. When the opening is large enough that it requires multiple sections, this issue could become more noticeable.

In openings where multiple sections are needed, the joint between the sections rarely matches the window. The installation technician can not use the plasticizer or the accelerant on sight and so the color difference will be noticeable. Additionally, matching the finish of the mortar joints could be a problem if the installer does not take the time to dress the entire window.

When putting together multiple windows in the field, despite the color and possible finish differences, without horizontal reinforcing from one section to the next, the joint between the sections becomes the weak part of the window. Since rarely are multi-section windows needed in residential applications, this issue is for the most part, not an issue at all.

Mortar does not bond to the glass; it bonds only to itself. Mortar's strength is a sheer bond and it needs a rough or porous surface to create its bond. The glass block manufactures use a wide range of edge coatings and the intended purpose is an isolation barrier so that if there is movement, it will sheer the edge coating before destroying the block. So long as the foundation is without cracks or other issues, the window should last near forever. If there is any movement at the foundation, cracks will develop. Usually along the point where the mortar and the glass come together. This is the purpose of the edge coating. Cracks no matter how small could leak water. This same issue exists at the perimeter of the window where the mortar is used for the installation.

Mortar is porous by nature and if exposed to standing water for a lengthy period of time, will seep water. Most reputable companies use a Type S masonry mortar in their assembly and installation and will often add a bonding and / or waterproofing additive to their installation mortar. This means with the exception of applications where there are cracks in the wall or window wells that fail to evacuate standing water in a reasonable amount of time, your windows should remain water tight.

Because of the porosity of mortar, it is not uncommon to find mold or mildew on either surface of the window. It would take an additional grout sealant and routine maintenance to prevent this completely.

I discussed mortar failure above in regards to the bond between the glass blocks. Because mortar is a rigid material, it will take very little abuse before it shows signs of failure. Usually the mortar failure itself will not cause a structural issue within the window. Typically it requires routine maintenance to repair these cracks. Once a crack, always a crack. That is unless the issue forcing the failure is addressed or an expansion joint is added.

Aesthetics are another reason for mortar assembled windows. Some folks like the traditional or institutional look of glass block. Since it is a masonry product, it should look like one... Though some people use this logic, it's hardly a comparison point.

Today's Silicone Assembly

In the late 1990's the Pre-Assembled Glass Block Window evolved even further. Commercial grade silicone became the new bonding agent between the glass block. Thin beads of silicone on the inside and outside edge of the block was all that was needed to copy the characteristics of the mortar assembled window. This further decreased the production costs and increased the productivity.

The silicone used to bond glass blocks together is a specialized material. It's not something you can buy off the shelf at your local home improvement store. These sealants are a commercial grade glazing compound that has a higher bonding strength than "off the shelf" materials and have a lower deflection rate. Most products used for this application have additives to prevent UV deterioration or discoloring and often have anti-microbial or anti-fungal additives to prevent the growth of mold and mildew or resist the bond of the mold and mildew.

Silicone is an adhesive. Each block is literally glued to the next. Most of these commercial sealants are guaranteed to maintain their bond and flexibility for 25 ore more years. Since the silicone remains flexible, it will flex or compress under pressure and take the abuse from minor cracks in a foundation or other movement.

When multiple sections are needed to fill an opening, the additional sections are siliconed or glued to each other. The sealant used to bond these sections is the same material used to assemble the windows at the shop. This guarantees consistency in appearance but more importantly, guarantees the bond between the sections.

Because the silicone will compress, the total height is somewhat limited. Unless you have ten-foot ceilings and your window sill is at floor level, these limitations will not be an ussue in most residential applications. I did not say that the limit is ten-feet, it is a bit less than that but we have yet to find a typical residential window too wide or tall for a silicone window.

The silicone used for assembling glass block is clear. Coincidentally, the glass block itself is clear. The variations in the block sizes and potential inconsistencies in the joints of multi-section windows all but disappear. The "all glass" look of a silicone assembled window hides many of those inconsistencies.

Silicone is waterproof. The only opportunity for a silicone window to leak or weep water is at the perimeter where the mortar was used to install the window. Should this leak occur, maintaining the perimeter mortar joint is much easier than maintaining the whole window.

I would be lying if I said that a silicone window can not fail. If there is enough movement, even a silicone assembled window can fail. However, because there is compression space available between the blocks, the silicone assembled window stand a better chance of surviving situations where the mortar assembled window will fail.

Aesthetics.... again, it's about personal preference. The silicone assembled windows are brighter because of the clear edge adhesive as opposed to a full grey mortar joint. The "all glass" look of a silicone window reminds one of an actual window and not a masonry product.

Criticisms I've heard about silicone:

"...mold and mildew will grow between the block". In the tens of thousands of silicone assembled windows we have installed, I have not once heard of this happening. The windows are assembled so that the openings and air passages between the blocks are open to the perimeter mortar. Mortar has a drying effect and will eliminate the moisture between the blocks.

"...silicone windows can be cut apart with a razor knife and a burglar can get in". First, these windows are three inches thick. No one make a razor knife blade long enough to reach from one side to the other to "cut apart" the window. Secondly, the silicone joint between the blocks when compressed at installation is in most cases, too small for a razor knife to penetrate completely.

" mortar windows have full joint which makes them better weather barriers". If that were true, wouldn't all prime windows be seven-eighths of an inch solid glass? Air space between panes of glass is what makes windows thermal barriers.

"...someone can break in to your silicone windows easier". Kick a mortar window once and you create a crack, each additional time you kick that window, the crack gets bigger until ultimately the window will fail. Kick a silicone window, the sealant will flex, then reflex to it's original position. Kick it all you want... silicone is fatigue proof.

Which application should I choose?

If you are purchasing for security, no burglar in their right mind would attempt to break through a glass block window whether it was assembled with silicone or mortar.

If you are purchasing for privacy, regardless of what material is used to assemble the blocks, the same patterns are available.

Thermal Effeciency? The measurable performance of the window is of the glass itself not the material used to put the blocks together. The benefit of installing glass block windows in the basement is that it replaces the drafty or broken existing windows. The difference between the mortar and silicone on an inside versus outside surface temperature is not measurable.

It boils down to what you want your window to look like. Mortar for it's traditional look or silicone for the all glass look. The clear silicone windows do allow more light through because it is entirely clear where the mortar window does have mortar joints that light will not pass through.

Still need help deciding?

Go to any home improvement store who retails glass block windows. Look on the shelf at what they're selling. You will find silicone assembled windows. You're not going to find any mortar windows. Would Lowe's or Home Depot sell something that they're not confident in?

Pittsburgh Corning (The only domestic manufacture) sells a product called Guardwise. This is a pre-assembled glass block window, assembled with silicone between the blocks. Would the only domestic glass block manufacturer sell a product that they weren't confident in?

Evolution: A process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state. (Merriam-Webster)

Monday, July 12, 2010

My first blog

So this is communication in the 21st Century? I post my opinions, views and insights for the world to read... or not?

I am going to use this space, in all of its glory to communicate mostly fact or what I believe to be true whether there is scientific evidence to back it up or not. Basically, what I say in my blog, you may just have to take my word that it's true, or true enough.

What experience do I have with that qualifies me to talk about remodeling, construction and Glass Block? Glad you asked...

I've been chewing saw dust since I was knee high. Many a summer I spent with my dad on the sites of new homes. He was a framer and I was... most likely a burden or a baby sitting nightmare. What can I say... I was young and inquisitive.

I have held a few construction relate positions along the way; I built roof trusses and installed ceramic tile and natural stone among other things.

I have spent the last 10 years in the glass block industry starting as a lowly box-jockey in a warehouse and today I manage a company that completes more than 2,500 glass block contracts each year.

I expet I'm plenty qualified. I'm going to use this Blog to offer solutions to problems, close otherwise ongoing debates and hopefully, simplify our product to a level that makes it easier to sift through the advertisements to find what matters.

Hang with me. I expect to deliver some compelling arguments.